Well it's been a very, um, interesting week, I suppose. Very little sleep was involved, which I am never really fond of; however, it did have it's good moments. I did end up learning a lot in this journalism workshop, and not all of it was about journalism. I learned a lot of things about the USM campus too, which is very helpful considering I will be going here in the fall. It was useful to get an inside look, sort of a preview, to the world of being a journalist before I even started any of my classes. It has really made me think about my current major of print journalism and possibly changing it. I did end up enjoying photography, and I didn't think I will. I might possibly go into Public Relations as well. I'm still not sure though. I will really miss all of the new friends I made, and I hope to keep in touch with them even after the program is over. I also hope this workshop continues in the next few years because it is extremely useful to high school students aspiring to be journalists. It's also a good for anyone who just wants to improve on his or her high school paper. I hope if the program does continue in the years to come, that when I become an upperclassmen at USM that I will possibly have the chance to work with the students in the workshop and give them my insight on journalism that I know I will acquire during my time at USM. This really was an enjoyable experience.
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